Domain name registration / renewal
We will register your domain name and ensure your ownership so you will have complete control over it. Our annual renewal service keeps this name in your ownership.
Website hosting
We will provide the computer, software, bandwidth and disk space for your website.
Website design
You know your business best. We will interview you to learn the key messages that you want to communicate to your customers and prospective clients. We will explore various design styles to identify what works best for your business. The web site will be completely custom to your exact specifications.
Website creation
Once we have a clear understanding of the overall requirements for the website we will create it. We build high performance sites according to industry standards so you have maximum flexibility in the future.
Depending on the needs of your site we can install some 'components' (event calendars, product catalogs, news & announcements, menus, and newsletters, etc.) so you can control and manage your site's information. These components give you complete control over the content without the need to schedule or coordinate updates.
We will set up email options for your website. Email forwarding, autoresponders and mailing lists are available as well as SPAM-blockers.
Webmaster service
Once your site is up and running we will monitor it for you. This includes checking visitor usage, ensuring adequate performance/response times, troubleshooting any problems that are reported.